Plans for Finalization of Dual Carriageway Rijeka - Zagreb

The company Autocesta Rijeka-Zagreb (ARZ) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) will sign on Thursday, 9th March a contract for the realization of a loan to finalize the construction of the dual carriageway along the 44.26 km long motorway passage Kikovica - Stara Sušica. The EUR 210 million loan was granted to be paid back within 25 years with a maximum EURIBOR + 0,13 % interest rate. 

The return of the loan will be financed the toll rates, i.e. exclusively from the profit made by the ARZ.

This last phase in the construction of the Rijeka – Zagreb motorway includes the building of 11 bridges and viaducts as well as 9 tunnels.

The passage will be opened towards the end of the year 2008. Some parts (Kikovica-Oštrovica, Vrata – Kupjak) will be opened even earlier, i.e. in 2007.

Construction works in other in other parts of the motorway Rijeka – Zagreb, are already ongoing. The so-called IIA phase, i.e. the construction of the 11.3 km long passage from Bosiljevo II to Stara Sušica has started in 2005. The passage Kupjak-Vrbovsko, including the tunnel Čardak, will be opened by summer 2006, and the 8.2 km long passage Vrbovsko-Bosiljevo is expected to be finalized by the year 2007. (Hina)

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