Today: Opening of the Second Tube of Čardak Tunnel on Motorway Rijeka - Zagreb

Today, the company ‘Autocesta Rijeka – Zagreb’ confirmed the opening of the second, southern tube of the Čardak tunnel. This occurs during the second phase of reconstructing the motorway Zagreb – Rijeka, i.e. turning it into a full profile motorway. With today's final mining activities ends the excavation and the building of a primary support for the tunnel.

The construction activities started on 31 May, 2005 at the western portal of the Čardak tunnel with the mining of the second tube. This was a symbolic start of the construction activities related to the motorway Rijeka-Zagreb.

Another 55 kilometers, including 11 tunnels will be built by the end of 2008 – while all traffic will be redirected via the existing, neighboring tubes. The value of the construction activities will mount up to EUR 270 million.

The Agreement for the construction of the second tube was signed on 23 March, this year. Before that an international tender was organized and the Split construction company 'Konstruktor inženjering' was chosen. The activities were financed with help of a credit provided by the German Kfw (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau), and those means are a saving, i.e. not spent amounts during the first phase of the reconstruction of the motorway Rijeka – Zagreb.

The Čardak tunnel is located along the section Ravna Gora – Vrbovska. The tube is 601 meters long, and the main route in front and after the tunnel is 2.396 meters long.

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