Increase of Postal Services in First Nine Month This Year

During this year's first nine months, Croatia registered 267.5 million performed postal services, which is an 8.4% increase, as compared to the same period last year. This data was provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

Slightly over 34% of the total nine months postal service traffic, or 92.15 million performed postal services occurred during this year's third trimester (July – September), which as a 2.9% increase as compared to this year's second trimester and a 5.2% increase as compared to last year's third trimester.

Approximately 93% (242.04 million) of the total postal services within this year’s first nine months, were carried out in the inland traffic, with is a 9.9% increase as compared to the same period in 2004.

The international postal transport towards Croatia registered a 7.9% decrease (14.1 million) in postal services, as compared to 2004. The carried out postal services from Croatia towards the international traffic went up for 0.1% (11.3 million).

According to the numbers received from the Bureau of Statistics, from January to September this year, Croatia registered a total of 3.25 million parcel delivery services. Unfortunately, due to an ‘interruption of  the time series in 2005’, the Bureau explained that a comparing of numbers was not possible.
During the this year's nine months, in Croatia, a total of 1.19 million telegrams have been dispatched, i.e. 3.3% less as compared to the same period in 2004. (Hina)

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