Towards end of June, Croatia had 2.98 million users of mobile telephony

During the first six months in 2005, both mobile operators in Croatia, T-mobile and VIPnet, registered an increase of new customers. Together they counted over 2.98 million new users at the end of June, which is an increase by 5.3% (150 000), as compared to the end of 2004.

According to the data received from both operators, data published in their the semi-annual business reports, T-Mobile counted 1.65 million customers and VIPnet 1.33 million at the end of June 2005.

During the first half of the year 2005, T-Mobile registered an increase of customers by 19.5% (plus of 270 000), as compared to the same period in 2004.

Comparing to the end of 2004, that increase amounted to 7.8% indicating that from the beginning of 2005 until the end of the sixth month, T-Mobile gained 120 000 new customers.

In the same period, VIPnet registered 30 000 new customers (up by 2.3%). Still, comparing the first six months in 2005 with the first six months in 2004, VIPnet has increased its customer base for another 90 000 new users (up by 7.2%).

Considering the current total number of mobile phone users in Croatia (2.98 million), after the first half year in 2005, VIPnet registered a penetration rate of 67.6% and T-Mobile of 67.2%.

Based on official and non-official evaluations, till the end of 2005, both operators will register an extra increase of new customers, reaching together the total of 3 million and the possible penetration rate of 70%.

In case the third mobile operator Tele 2 should join in, most probably in autumn, Croatia might even surpass this penetration rate. This indicates that until the end of 2005, there might be only one million inhabitants left who are not users of the mobile telephony.

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