On the St. Nicholas Day Minister presented awards to shipowners and seafarers and signed the contracts on govt subsidies to small shipping companies

Split, December 6 2010 - Bozidar Kalmeta, Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure and  capt. Mario Babic, the State secretary for the Sea, together with the representatives of the 'Croatian Sailors Union' and 'the Independent Trade Union of Seafarers of passenger vessels' from the board of the first school ship "Queen of the Sea" laid a wreath at a sea for all the dead sailors, with the blessing of fr. Jozo Cirac, the pastor of the St. Dominic parrishCroatia's minister of maritime affairs, transport and infrastructure, BOZIDAR KALMETA, signed in Split on Monday 11 contracts for the allocation of four million kuna in government grants to small private shipping companies to build eight yachts and repair three smaller vessels.

Kalmeta was in Split to attend the central event marking the Day of St Nicholas, the patron saint of seamen and shippers.

Speaking at a ceremony held on the Jadran ferry boat in the city harbour, Kalmeta announced more changes in the social reform relating to seamen. Addressing the shippers, he said that tax benefits would be introduced for them, depending on the size of their fleet.

The minister promised that the government would continue giving subsidies to shipping companies depending on its financial situation.Split, December 6 2010 - Minister Kalmeta and State Secretary capt. Babic awarded in five categories of awards  capt. Ante Jerkovic for his contribution to the development of the maritime industry, in wich he is presented for a longtime as a successful CEO of the 'Atlantska plovidba' d.o.o.

He said that in negotiations with the EU Croatia had managed to obtain cabotage rights for shipping companies operating regular lines by the end of 2016, and for the excursion fleet by the end of 2014.

Cabotage rights guarantee that shipping services in Croatia will be provided exclusively by domestic shipping companies, he said, adding that cabotage rights will give domestic shipping companies and the excursion fleet time to prepare for the competition once the country has joined the EU.

Kalmeta also announced the continuation of construction work on port infrastructure along the coast, underlining in that context the Split harbour, where he said new external berths would be built for cruise ships. He added that the government would continue to invest in infrastructure projects in river ports as well.

Split, December 6 2010 - by the Minister Kalmeta and State Secretary capt. Babic, at the ceremony were the Split-Dalmatia County prefect Ante Sanader, Vice Mayor of the City of Splilt Jure Sundov, maritime industry representatives, unions, maritime organizations and institutions, port authorities and maritime schools and colleges representativesA EUR 10 million radar control system will be put into operation on the Adriatic by the end of the year, said Kalmeta.

The ceremony in Split also included the presentation of awards for the promotion of the shipping trade.
