Parliament Endorses Bill on Maritime Domain and Sea Ports

The government-sponsored bill on the maritime domain and sea ports, under which all county ports will have to ensure separate sections for fishing boats and other commercial ships, was supported by party clubs of deputies in the Croatian parliament on Thursday.
The parliament also endorsed a government-sponsored bill on property and other real rights, which moves the deadline for ownership registration by the state from 1 January 2007 to 1 January 2010.
Registration refers to public property of strategic national interest, such as the coast, islands, waterways, national and nature parks, forests and farmland.
Bills on internal financial control in the public sector and the ratification of an agreement between Croatia and Israel on avoiding double taxation and preventing tax evasion were endorsed without or almost without debate.
Despite the announced vote on previously discussed items, the Sabor adjourned the session due to a lack of quorum. The said items will be put to vote on Friday, the last day of this year's parliamentary session. 
