Contract signed – Building of Two Ferries for Jadrolinija

Today, Slavko Lončar, board director of Jadrolinija and Ivica Šegulja director of the Shipyard Kraljevica, in the presence of the  Minister of the Sea, Tourism Transport and Development Božidar Kalmeta, the state secretary for sea Branko Bačić and other, signed a contract related to building two ferries for Jadrolinija in the Karaljevica Shipyard.

This contract is considered to be a follow-up of the implementation of the 2004-2008 Jadrolinija Passenger Fleet Reconstruction and Development Program, as the Minister stated. Up until now that Program included the construction of four ferries, the purchase of two used catamarans and of one vessel which connects the Italian and the Croatian shore.

The Minister also added the Program included the building of two more ferries. By constructing those new vessels, the average age of the Jadrolinija fleet will drop down from 26.5 year to 19 years, which lies clearly below the European average, said Kalmeta.

Regarding necessary investments, it was pointed out that the first ship would be worth EUR 8.75 million, while the value of the second ship would mounts up to EUR 8.5 million.

Bačić stated that a total of 20 ships had been constructed within the Program which was created to stimulate the building of ships for domestic carriers in domestic shipyards and that 6 of those had been built for Jadrolinija. He also explained that the State had participated in that Program with subventions of 10% (HRK 370 million). Also mentioned was a special scholarship program which had been launched, for the first time. That Program was offering scholarships for 40 students which would embark upon Croatian ships, after concluding their professional education.

Slavko Lončar concluded that the renovation of the fleet would help developing tourism, life on islands as well as transport in general. The first ferry was expected to be delivered by 1 April and the second one by 1 July, 2007.
