Digital priorities for the future of the EU

At the second informal video-conference, telecommunications ministers held a policy debate on the EU’s digital priorities, in the post COVID-19 era.  Croatian Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, chaired the meeting, while the Commission was represented by Commissioner, Thierry Breton.

During discussion, the ministers were invited to reflect on three questions prepared by the Croatian presidency:
wich are the main lessons we have learned in digital sector out of COVID-19 crisis, and the wich are the priority aspects of digital strategy?
how can we ensure the EU’s competitiveness and digital sovereignty on a global scale?
how can we prioritise and increase investments in elements that have proven indispensable during the crisis, namely connectivity, data and digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence?

'A major share of the economy and society has shifted to digital during pandemic. We agreed today that we should not let this opportunity pass, but make these gains permanent, through increased efforts to digitize businesses and public services as well, as the security and capacity of our networks.’. - Minister Oleg Butković said.
The Presidency has exhibited a summary of discussions. The activities carried out in proposal for a regulation on 'ePrivacy', during Croatian presidency are summarized to Report on the progress, presented by the Presidency to the Committee of Permanent Presidents (Coreper), held on June 3rd 2020.

In the proposed regulation, establishing a European competence center for cyber security and network coordination centers, COREPER was agreed to establish the new mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament, wich was also held on June 3rd, 2020. It is also agreed thate the Presidency will contact the Chief negotiator of the Parliament, in order to explore the possibility of organizing a trialogue meeting, during the remaining weeks of the Croatian presidency.

The Presidency also briefed ministers on the latest developments on current non-legislative activities. On June 3rd, Coreper confirmed full agreement on draft Council conclusions on shaping Europe’s digital future and also decided to use a written procedure due to their adoption by the Council. This written procedure is going to be launched today, after the vide-conference.

The Presidency also presented the state of implementation of the EU package, with tools for security of 5G networks.

The Commission provided an update on the development of contact-tracing and warning apps in the context of COVID-19. Work continues to make these apps interoperable across borders.

The incoming German presidency Presented its work program in the field of telecommunications, for the second half of 2020.

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