Roaming charges lower by 21-55% as of July 1


Prices of mobile phone roaming services in the EU/EEA countries, including Croatia, will be lowered by between 21% and 55% as of July 1, depending on the type of service, the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) announced on Thursday.

Roaming charges in the European Union have been falling gradually over the past few years and the latest reduction in prices of voice calls, SMS and data services is in line with the regulation on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the EU.

As of July 1, maximum roaming charges for outgoing calls will be 21% lower than they have been before June 30 and will amount to 1.81 kuna per minute, inclusive of VAT, while incoming roaming calls will be 27% cheaper, at 0.48 kuna per minute. SMS text messages will cost 0.57 kuna per message (down 25%), while data roaming services will be 55% cheaper at 1.91 kuna per megabyte.

(1 euro = 7.567771 kuna)