Transhipment cargo decline

Photo /arhiva/terminali2.jpg

In Croatia, during the year 2009 in the sea ports, internal waters and ports in other places is reloaded 11.4 million tons of cargo, which is 24.7 percent less than on 2008. year, published by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

In seaports, where the maximum of cargo is reload up, last year transhipment decreased 23.9 percent to 10.3 million tons.

The ports of internal water (piers) reloaded the 861 thousand tons of cargo, which is 37.1 percent less than 2008th year.

At other places, along with a decrease of 2.6 percent was reloaded 296 thousand tons.

During last year's total manipulation was 20.9 million tons of cargo, down from 25.8 percent in the previous year.

In seaports was manipulated 19 million tons or 25.5 percent less, and ports of internal waters 1.37 million tons or 35.1 percent less.

At other places manipulation of load is 502 thousand tons or 3.1 percent less than on 2008. year.
