Timetable schedule for the marine routes for March 2010th

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The Governing Board of the Agency for Coastal Sea Traffic Line at yesterday's session, held in Zagreb, has accepted a temporary timetable for marine, fast-ship and ferry lines in the Adriatic, which will apply from 1 to 7 March 2010. years, announced today the Agency.

Schedule routes for the marine lines is the same one who was worth in January and February 2010. From the Agency pointed out that it is still in force suspension of the navigation on the State coastal ferry-line Rijeka-Split-Stari Grad-Korcula-Dubrovnik.

It is expected that the Governing Board of the Agency's first day of March to make a permanent off-timetable schedule for the marine routes that will apply from the march 8th until the May 31st 2010.

Seasonal time table for the period from the June 1st to the September 30th 2010. has been previously accorded and will be implemented as planned, and that means at the level of the season 2009th.
