Three road projects in central Dalmatia prepared for submission for EU co-funding

Photo /arhiva/konferencija_31_7_14_NSL2.jpg

Three road construction projects in Dalmatia are ready for submission for co-funding from the European Union: the Ciovo Bridge with access roads, a ring-road encircling the biggest Croatian Adriatic city of Split and a ring-road encircling Vodice near Sibenik, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Sinisa Hajdas Doncic said in Zagreb on Thursday.

A total of 80 million euros is put at Croatia's disposal through the EU-funded 2007 - 2013 transport operating programme, and Croatia can tap those funds by November 2016.

The largest share of this available sum will be absorbed by the state-run road operator "Hrvatske Ceste".

The bridge connecting the island of Ciovo off Trogir, northwest of Split, and the mainland is estimated at 32 million euros. The construction work might begin later this year and is likely to last two years.

The project of the Kastel Stari-Kastel Sucurac ring-road northwest of Split is estimated at EUR 37.1 million, and the construction is due to start this October and last two years.

The Vodice ring-road is estimated at EUR 8.8 million, and its construction also should start this autumn, too, and last two years.

It is possible for Croatia to draw up to 80% of necessary financing for those projects from EU funds.

Croatian Deputy Prime Minister and Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Branko Grcic said that the government "will be now showering" the public with projects prepared in the last two years for being submitted for EU co-funding.


Croatian Roads Ltd - Presentation

Croatian Roads Ltd - Presentation
BYPASS ROAD - SECTION 1 "Plano - Kastel Gomilica / Kastel Sucurac" / LOT 2 "Kastel Stari - Kastel Sucurac - Kastel Gomilica" (.pdf)

Croatian Roads Ltd - Presentation

