Strike in Croatia Airlines begins, company to cancel one-third of flights

Photo /arhiva/croatia_airlines2-3-15.07..jpg

The cabin crew union began a strike at Croatia Airlines at 6 am on Friday which is expected to last until July 13, the union's vice president, Hrvoje Humek, told Hina.

Due to the strike, the national air carrier said 33 of a total 96 flights would be cancelled today and that all passengers affected would be compensated.

Croatia Airlines estimates that, given that bookings for those four days refer to 25-30 thousand passengers, the strike will cause daily losses of US$ 1 million.

The union is accusing the company's management of rather sharing profits with foreign airlines, such as the Czech CSA, Bosnia's BH Airlines and Hungary's Malev, from which it will rent planes and staff, than ensuring minimum rights to its workers.

The unionists recall that last winter they agreed to a five per cent salary cut, but that Croatia Airlines is further declining due to an incompetent management.

The company logged more than HRK 100 million in losses in the first quarter of 2010, more than 50 per cent of last year's entire losses, the unionists say.

The cabin crew union union says it is not asking for a pay rise, only the respect of flight attendants' non-material rights.


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