Signed Contracts for the Financing of 22 Ports

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The State Secretary for the Sea Branko Bačić signed today a EUR 16 million contract on investments including 22 county ports. The contract will be supported by the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development with a participation of EUR 8 million.

Also signed were contracts for the documentation draft and the construction of 5 fisherman ports in the value of almost EUR 3 million.

During the last three years the Ministry participated in the construction of 52 county ports with approximately EUR 20 million. An investment cycle is currently including six ports of state importance, Bačić explained.

Thanks to recent changes in legislation, as he pointed out, it was made possible for port systems to undergo further development.

Due to the change of law, county port offices are demanded to designate places of berth and wintering for boats of the domestic population and the fishermen as well as for the needs of nautical tourism, he added. He also announced that the minister would pass by 1 April all the requirements for the founding of more port offices within one county.

Captain Mario Babić, Assistant Minister for Maritime Traffic, Maritime Domain and Ports said that it was necessary for port offices to define the places for the unloading of fish, the allocation of the ports and that the minister would decide on the maximum port fees.
