SEETAC’s Second Transport Ministerial Conference in Tirana

Photo /arhiva/seetac logo_10.jpg

One of the SEETAC's main events - the Second Transport Ministerial Conference will take place on November 16th 2010 in Tirana. The conference is organised by the Albanian Ministry of Public Works and Transport in cooperation with the Lead Partner - Central European Initiative.

The conference will be attended by the high level representatives coming from the transport and infrastructure ministries of the SEETAC Member countries (Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine), as well as by the representatives of the European and International donor organisations (EBRD, World Bank), European Commission (DG Enlargement, DG Move) and by the SEE Joint Technical Secretariat.

The debate will be divided into two panels: one dedicated to the integrated development of accessibility in South East Europe, an institutional and donor perspective and the second one focused on the integration of South Eastern Europe transport system -medium term priorities and coherence with the EU strategy. The conference proceedings will be managed by Mr. Ervin Minarolli from the Albanian Ministry of Public Works and Transport and by Mr. Carlo Fortuna from the CEI.

Finally, the representatives of SEETAC Transport Ministries will discuss their priorities and investment programmes with the international organisations and donors representatives.

The conference outcomes will be used for the development of the WP5 - definition of the financial plan focused on selected pilot projects.
