Scholarships for Students on Maritime Faculties

Photo /arhiva/winds.jpg

On Monday, January 8, 2007, the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development is launching a scholarship program for supporting students who are pursuing an education at maritime or technical (marine engineering) universities, enrolled during the academic year 2006/07.

The Ministry allocated those scholarships for the first time, in the year 2006, to 24 university students and 141 high school pupils. The main goal of this government program is to promote the maritime profession and to increase the number of seafarers in Croatia.

The largest number of Croatian seafarers (approx. 26 thousand) is employed on foreign ships, while only 6 280 of them are working on domestic vessels.

The total amount of HRK 864.000 (60 scholarships) will be allocated in 2007, i.e. HRK 1200 per student per month.

The candidates included in the program will have the duty remain working on domestic ships for at least the same period as they were receiving the financial support. Only in case there should not be an open post on a Croatian ship, they are allowed to switch over to a foreign one. 
