Opening of the Section Županja – Lipovac

Photo /arhiva/a3-ac3006.jpg

Tomorrow at 11 a.m., the Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader will attend the opening of the section Županja – Lipovac as a part of the motorway A3 Bregana – Zagreb – Lipovac. The section will be open to regular traffic in the afternoon, the same day.

The motorway Bregana – Zagreb – Lipovac is a part of the Pan European traffic corridor X (Austria – Slovenia – Croatia – Serbia – Macedonia – Greece – Bulgaria and Turkey), which provides the shortest and most suitable connection between Western and South - Eastern Europe and the Middle East, i.e. Asia. In Croatia this motorway runs in a west - east direction linking Bregana – Zagreb – Lipovac. Within the European road network, this route bears the designation E-70 and in Croatia A3. 

The construction of the motorway Bregana – Zagreb – Lipovac started in 1977 and lasted, with interruptions, until the year 2006. Until the year 1990 this route was the main transit link between Western Europe and the Middle East. Owing to the Homeland War, this route temporary lost its importance. After the war it was possible for Croatia to resume the construction activities.

The total investment value of the A3 amounted up to HRK 7 billion (EUR 1.004 million), and for the section Županja – Lipovac EUR 91.058.563, 25 (HRK 685.090.118.69). Per kilometer, the construction costs did run up to EUR 3.1 million (HRK 23 million). The financing of the construction project was entirely covered by EBRD and EIB loans, each in the amount of EUR 45 million.

The whole A3 is a 307 kilometers long route with all the necessary objects and infrastructure. The passage Županja – Lipovac is 29.43 kilometers long and it contains two carriageways in both directions. From Lipovac to the border crossing Bajakovo (1.3 km) the motorway will be upgraded with additional carriageways in both directions in order to unburden possible traffic jams.

The A3 toll fee for 1st category vehicles will run up to HRK 110 and for the 13 km passage Županja – Lipovac HRK 13.

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