No injuries in clash of Albanian ship and Croatian trawler off Sibenik

Photo /arhiva/blitvenica1.jpg

The Albanian commercial ship called "Reenvi II" and the Croatian trawl boat "Morski Vuk" from Split clashed near the island of Blitvenica in the Sibenik archipelago, at about 03 pm Saturday, the Sibenik Police reported on Sunday.

Nobody was injured in the accident, and a police investigation is under way.

An inspector of the Sibenik Harbourmaster’s Office said that it was likely that negligence of the captains of both vessels was likely the cause of the accident in which only the Croatian trawler was damaged and had to be towed to Trogir.

After the clash, the Albanian ship, which transports general and bulk cargo mainly at the Adriatic, sailed into the Grebastica port near Sibenik. 


