More Passengers and Goods in Maritime and Coastal Transport

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Croatia's maritime and coastal transport counted during the first nine months this year the transport of 10.33 million passengers (plus by 4.7% over 2005) and of 23.02 million tones of goods (plus by 3.1 % over 2005), according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

The third trimester registered an increase of passengers in maritime and coastal transport with 6.01 million passengers (plus by 2.2% over 2005) and a decrease in cargo transport with 7.93 million tones of goods (minus by 4.7% over 2005).

Most of the passengers, 10.08 million, were transported during the first nine months in between domestic ports. That represents a 4.6% increase as compared to the same period last year. A 10.8% increase was achieved in the international passenger transport (256 thousand passengers). Most of those passengers (68%) traveled by ferries.

The largest amount of goods (7.23 million tones) or 91% of the total amount was transported in between foreign ports, and this includes transport performed by domestic hauliers where the ports of loading and unloading are located abroad.

During the first nine months an increase in passenger transport was also registered in maritime ports. Those ports counted 21.24 million passengers (plus by 4% over 2005). At the same time, the transport of cargo in maritime ports went down by 2%.

A decrease in cargo transport was also registered in the inland water transport (by 1.6% over 2005), including domestic and international transport. During those nine months, river ports registered 1.28 million of tones in goods transport (plus by 9.5% as compared to the same period in 2005).
