Mobile Number Portability Starting With October 1st

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A full mobile number portability will be commercially accessible starting from October 1st, stated the Croatian Agency for Telecommunications (HAT).

This means that customers will have the possibility to switch mobile operators based on the most convenient tariff packages without having to change their phone number, including the area codes.

By placing a call towards such a ported phone number, the customer who is making the call will be will be automatically and for free informed about that phone number’s new mobile network.

In case the same customer is calling from a fixed-line network he might also hear such an automatic message, but in that situation it is completely up to the operator. If the customer-caller requires the operator is allowed to switch off such a messaging service.

Number portability within the fixed-line network has been accessible for the past year, and the HAT Central base of transferred numbers is at the disposal of operators in the fixed-line network since September 1st, 2006. 

The HAT concluded that they expect this new service to increase competition among the providers.

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