MIPRO 2009 conference opens in Opatija

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Opatija, May 28 2009The international conference on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics, MIPRO 2009, opened in the northern Adriatic resort of Opatija on Wednesday, gathering about 1,000 people from 30 countries, including IT experts and representatives of the academic community, the economic sector, state administration and local government units.

Croatia needs a new qualification framework in which new communication technologies will be used as a means to achieving education goals, Deputy Prime Minister Slobodan Uzelac said in his opening remarks.

Uzelac heads a government commission for the preparation of a national qualification framework. He invited participants to join a dozen working groups in designing new competences for qualifications within their field of work and education.

Over the next two days, 10 symposiums will be held to present 315 works by domestic and foreign authors. Also held will be round table discussions on creativity and innovation, broadband Internet access, and the position of the Opatija, May 28 2009technical intelligentsia in the world, as well as a seminar on continuous education and an exhibition of electronic equipment and technical services.


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