Kalmeta: No elimination of passenger lines in the Croatian railroad

Photo /arhiva/Kalmeta hz_10.jpg

No elimination of the passenger lines in the Croatian railway traffic, as was agreed at today's meeting between the Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure BOZIDAR KALMETA with the HŽ-Union leaders, who organized this morning 15-minute suspension of traffic to protest against conditions in the HZ.

"At a meeting with leaders of the four unions, we agreed about everything" - Kalmeta said after today's session of the Economic and Social Council (GSV) which is expected to discuss the situation in the HŽ, but due to the Union disputes postponed for a week.

In a relation to the proposal on the elimination of about 250 local passenger lines, it's agreed with the unions that there will be no cancelation or elimination of the lines, but will work together to create a new timetable, which will be valid from the autumn, in which all HZ companies will participate, and not only the "HZ Putnički prijevoz".

Kalmeta commented the union's remark that the investment in the rail infrastructure are insufficient, and said that during this year, investments in the infrastructure amounted up to 700 million HRK, and that there is no more money at this time, but the Ministry seeks to attract funds from the EU.

"Knowing that most of the EU funds will be allocated for the railway infrastructure, the teams in the "HŽ Infrastrukturi" are rapidly working on the preparation of new projects that will draw the money out from the EU funds" - as Minister said.

Responding to allegations of insufficient investment in the training and towing capacity, Kalmeta said that the preparation of the tender for the procurement of a number of multisystem-locomotives and diesel-locomotives is in the process, also as the arrangening of a loan for the modernization of the mobile capacity in the Croatian railroad system, while the "Končar" and "TŽV Gredelj" are developing 3 prototypes of a new trains for intercity transportation.

In the relation to the allegations by the four unions that the "Gredelj" and the "Đuro Đaković" are in total 30% more expensive than the foreign competitors, Kalmeta admitted that at a recent competition to build 100 freight wagons "Đuro Đaković" was far more expensive than the other two bidders, but he added that this is "the question of the tendering".

""Gredelj" is the daughter company of the "HŽ" which employs 1700 workers and is the largest Croatian company in the metal-working industry. "Gredelj" built a new plant and has a significant role in the functioning of the "HŽ", and in addition, the "Gredelj" gets the jobs across the Europe and the world." - notes Kalmeta.

Damir Jakus, a representative of the Union Headquarters in the Economic and Social Council responded to that question and said that "Gredelj" is the largest investment in the steel industry in Europe since last year, and also in this year.

"Do we have to be the only ones to push our companies and production to the 'mercy of the market', while all others are protecting and saveing their economies as much as they can?" - asked Jakus, adding that the "Gredelj"  has over 40% of revenue in the foreign markets, which would not be possible if the that company is that much expensive and incompetent as it was said by some unions.

Today is expected that the Economic and Social Council (GSV) to discuss the situation in the "HŽ", about the conflict between the unions about the question who has the right to participate in the meetings, and was agreed that Kalmeta with the "HŽ" management to organize a meeting this week with all unions in the "HŽ", as the preparation for a session of the Economic and Social Council (GSV), which would be held next Monday.

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