HZ Cargo, DB Schenker discuss cooperation

Photo /arhiva/HZ cargo - logo_11.jpg

Leaders of Croatia's HZ Cargo and Germany's DB Schenker met in Zagreb on Tuesday to discuss possible cooperation between DB Schenker Croatia and DB International in Croatian Railways' (HZ) activities and projects, HZ said in a press release.

One of the motives for the meeting was the inclusion of Croatia among 32 countries in which DB (Deutsche Bahn) sees an opportunity to develop its business.

Officials established there was a common interest to cooperate in the rail industry, infrastructure building, and cargo transport, primarily on the pan-European Corridor X.

The two sides are interested in cooperating on the construction of the Dugo Selo-Novska railroad in Croatia as well as in the modernisation of Zagreb's Central Station.

They also talked about the possible inclusion of DB in investment projects important for the entire region, such as Cargo 10 and Cargo Centre Zagreb, an investment estimated at EUR 250 million.

HZ representatives said they were satisfied with the cooperation, which would result in the signing of a HZ-DB strategic cooperation agreement later this month.

Schenker is one of the leading international providers of integrated logistics services.


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