HRK 1.9 billion invested in development of Croatian Adriatic islands in 2007

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In the 2004-2007 period, the Croatian government invested HRK 1.5 billion on average each year in the development of the Adriatic islands, the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Zeljko Tufekcic, said at a government session on Wednesday. He added that HRK 1.9 billion had been invested for this purpose in 2007 alone.

Presenting the report on the implementation of the Islands Act in 2007, Tufekcic said that during the four-year period 56 ports or docks and various utility and social infrastructure facilities had been built or rebuilt on Croatian Adriatic islands.

He cited 37 water supply systems, 38 drainage systems, 31 schools and five daycare centres, 34 health centres and 10 social welfare centres.
Tufekcic said that 244 local employers had been allocated small grants, which resulted in an increase in employment and the number of small business owners on the islands.
