Gov't approves loan guarantees for Zadar Port Authority, Croatian Railway

Photo /arhiva/Plavo_srce1.jpg

At the closed part of its session on Thursday, the Croatian government approved loan guarantees for the Zadar Port Authority and the Croatian Railway (HZ) subsidiaries HZ Cargo and HZ Vuca Vlakova (HZ Traction).

The Zadar Port Authority had sought government guarantees for a loan it intends to take from OTP Banka Hrvatska to finance the project "The New Port of Zadar".

The government also approved loan guarantees for HZ Cargo and HZ Traction which are to take loans from the Croatian Postal Bank (HPB) in order to upgrade engines and electric and diesel-electric trains.

The government adopted a report on the work of the Human Rights Centre in 2009.

Also adopted was a draft agreement between the government and the coordinating body of Jewish municipalities in Croatia on issues of common interest.

The government decided to publish a financing agreement with the European Commission which refers to a multiple user programme for nuclear safety and radiation protection from the 2009 Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA).

The agreement was signed in Brussels on 2 February 2010 and in Zagreb on 6 May 2010.

The government adopted a report on negotiations conducted to sign an agreement with the Italian government on cross-border police cooperation.


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