From 27 December till 31 March – Toll Rates Decresed by 23.5%

Photo /arhiva/naplatne1.jpg

The Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development submitted for Parliamentary procedure a draft proposal according to which, in the period from 27 December 2005 till 31 March 2006, i.e. from 1 November till 31 March during the following years, a 23.5% discount will be granted by purchasing a smart card for a certain group of vehicles along with a minimum amount of payment.

According to the Public Roads Act, the Government of the Republic of Croatia approves the toll fee amount, and it is planned for the Government to analyze this proposal on its next session.

The discount will be valid for natural and legal persons in order to motivate, with help of seasonal subscriptions (by purchasing the smart card), the users to use the motorway more often during the defined period. In that way the costs for using the motorway are being decreased and the safety of driving, during the winter, is being increased. At the same time, state highways are being disburdened. 


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