EUR 5 Million from EU Pre-Access Funds

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It was stated today at a press – conference that, beginning with last week, Croatia finally started receiving money from the EU pre-access funds, after the European Commission paid EUR 5 million into the account of the National fund as an advance payment coming from the ISPA program. 

The ISPA program covers investments in the area of transport and the protection of environment offering Croatia funds in the amount of EUR 60 million for the years 2005 and 2006.

Towards the end of January 2006, were signed financial memorandums for two projects – the reconstruction of the railroad route Vinkovci – Tovarnik – state border, and the water supply system for the city of Karlovac. Also expected to be signed is the memorandum regarding the project for the scrap yard in Bikarac.

Almost finalized is the memorandum for the PHARE program for which EUR 80 million were granted in 2005 and where the European Commission authorized 23 projects at the end of December 2005. In 2006 the PHARE program also offers the amount of EUR 80 million.

During the period of 2001 – 2004, Croatia had the possibility to receive EUR 255 million from the CARDS program, in 2005 the PHARE program offered EUR 80 million, which includes an additional amount of EUR 7 million and the ISPA program counts another EUR 25 million.

The EU is planning to secure for Croatia in 2006 EUR 140 million coming from pre-access funds, EUR 80 million from the PHARE program, EUR 35 million from the ISPA program and EUR 25 million from the SAPARD program.
