EC proposes a cut back in 'roaming' prices

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Over 147 million EU citizens will soon profit from roaming charges that have been cut by up to 70% following an EU decision announced yesterday.

The EC proposed that the price for roaming calls should be capped at no higher than 30% above the base cost by summer 2007.

Currently the operators still charge for roaming calls four times as much as for domestic calls.

“The Single Market is first and foremost for consumers. Here is a practical application of our Europe of results approach. With our proposal, consumers using mobile phones within the Single Market will get a fairer deal”, said Manuel Barroso, the European Commission president.

"We are tackling today one of the last borders within Europe’s internal market,” added EU media commissioner, Viviane Reding. “For years, mobile roaming charges have remained at unjustifiably high levels, in spite of repeated warnings to the industry.

According to the EC, the standard tariff for local calls in Poland amounts up to € 0.19 per minute. Local calls within Poland from a German mobile phone are being charged from € 0.34 – 2.25 per minute, which is 3-9 times more expensive than calling from a domestic mobile phone.

The average EU roaming calls are being charged €1.15 per minute, which is more than five times as expensive as domestic calls.

The Commission’s proposals will see the cost of phoning home drop to a maximum of € 0.49 per minute, while the cost of receiving a call while abroad will drop to € 0.16.

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