- Published: 03.11.2010.
EC: proposal to temporarily spare the Croatian shippers from the competition
The European Commission has accepted the Croatian demands for a transitional period in the chapter Transport Policy, which Croatian shippers should provide better preparation period for the forthcoming European competition, this proposal should be accepted by the EC member states that have the last word in this issue, as made known by the diplomatic sources.
Croatia is at the opened chapter Transport Policy, which has been opened to negotiations at April 21st 2008 asked for the Chapter's section on maritime traffic gets a transitional period until the end of 2016, and so-called a circular traffic (irregular) and maritime excursion lines to the end of the 2014th, so that the Croatian shippers get additional time and keep the monopoly up to better adapt before they face the European competition. This transition period should allow "Jadrolinija", and other smaller shippers, to renew it's fleet.
The European Union at the opening more chapters in a common negotiating with Republic of Croatia evaluated the Croatian demands as unacceptable, so for now, the Commission after nearly two years of negotiations with the Croatian side has changed it's opinion. The European Commission is currently preparing a draft on joint negotiating position for closing this Chapter in which they will be found to accept a proposal that Croatian side requests. The draft a on a common negotiating position will be proceed to the Council of the EU Member States, where it must be unanimously accepted.