Dual carriage highway section from Kikovica to Oštrovica inaugurated

Photo /arhiva/KI-OS_1.jpg

The 7.4-kilometre dual carriage highway section from Kikovica to Oštrovica, a section within the Rijeka-Zagreb highway, was officially inaugurated on Tuesday by Croatian Construction Minister Marina Matulović Dropulić. This project was funded with HRK 276 million (1 EUR = 7.34 HRK).

The Rijeka-Zagreb highway has now 110 kilometers of dual carriage highway sections, and the rest of 36.5 kilometers should be build in 2008. The minister said that the 20 percent of the newly-opened section were viaducts and subways. The construction works carried out by Croatian companies took 16 months, a shorter time period than planned. (Hina)

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