Croatian Social and Economic Recovery Project Started in Zadar

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The local workshop dedicated to the launching of the CSERP was organized today in Zadar. That city contains one of the three local implementing offices used to manage Project activities, locally. The event which took place in Zadar represents the first launching of such a project on a local level. The next similar event will be presented in the city of Sisak on 27 July 2006. The third local workshop will be held towards midst September in Đakovo.

This EUR 60 million worth project started towards the end of September 2005 and it is being overseen by the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development. Its main goals include the economic and social support of areas which are being neglected and are still suffering from the consequences of war, which is in accordance with the Government’s plan of joining the EU. The Project will include 13 counties.

CSERP is a multisectoral project which includes four components:
• Community Investments (36.5 million €)
• Demining (17 million €)
• Local Institutional Development (3.5 million €)
• Project Management (3 million €)

The 'backbone' of the whole Project is defined through the community investments which are set up for the financing of sub-projects in the area: (i) social inclusion; (ii) economic revitalization (iii); revival of small community infrastructure.
