Croatia best destination for cruise-ships in year 2009

Photo /arhiva/Malaga.jpg

At yesterday's award ceremony "Cruise Excellence Awards", held in Spain, and organised by "Cruises News Media Group", Spain, Turkey and Croatia are chosen as the best destination for cruise-ships in the year 2009.

The award was taken by Sanja Jelic, general director of the offices of the Croatian National Tourist Board in Spain, and she participated in the award with the directors of Croatian port authorities Blaise Đurković Dubrovnik, Ivica Buric from Zadar and Marijan Petkovic from the Sibenik Port authority.

Prizes are awarded in several categories, for the best entertainment on board "Quail Travel Group", Best Luxury cruising company "Silversea Cruises", and the best ship in the Mediterranean "MSC Splendid", the best itinerary "Costa Cruceros", and the best international port "Venice and Malta".

Last year at the same allocation of Dubrovnik to Venice were shared the awards for the best international port.

This award speaks of the growing segment of tourism in Croatia, which is visible by the latest statistics of the Croatian Central Bureau of Statistics according to which the number of travelers who have visited Croatia on ships traveling in a circular, has doubled in the last 4 years and achieved an enviable figure of almost one million passengers in 2009. year.
