Croatia 2006: Increase in Mobile Telephony by 46.3%

Photo /arhiva/070209-w-mob.JPG

By using their mobile phones, Croatian citizens have set a new record. Last year they spent a total of 4.1 billion minutes in talking on their mobile phone, which is a plus by 46.3 % as compared to the year 2005.

Although fixed lines are still twice as busy as mobile phones, they keep loosing their leading position, i.e. last year by 13.7% (total of 8.5 billion minutes).

Most of the phone traffic (fixed and mobile) is still conducted within the domestic network.

In 2006, the domestic fixed line network registered a traffic of 8.3 billion minutes which represents a minus by 13.8 % as compared to the year 2005. At the same time the international calls in the fixed line network gathered 194 million minutes, i.e. minus by 10.2 % compared to the previous year.

Mobile telephony registered a total of 3.9 billion minutes within the domestic network, which represents an increase by 47.3 % as compared to the year 2005. Mobile international calls amounted up to 128 million minutes, plus by 20.8 % over 2005.

Mobile telephony keeps registering an increase of sent SMS messages, and more and more MMS messages.

Last year Croatian citizens sent a total of 2.5 billion SMS messages and 14.9 million MMS messages, which compared to the year 2005 represents and increase by 5.1% (SMS) and 43.2 % (MMS).

Last year's statistics also marked an increase in the field of postal (plus by 6.4%) and curriers (by 7.8%) services.

The only cutback is registered in the transport of telegrams, i.e. minus by 1.6% over 2005.

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