Conference on revitalisation of rail corridor 10 held in Slovenia

Photo /arhiva/nsl min slo 2_11.jpg

Brdo kod Kranja, February 2 2011. - Conference on "Munich - Istanbul train links the future" was participated by ministers and officials from the Ministries of the Transport of Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey, where the Conference participants discussed of the organization of the railway infrastructure, infrastructure management and promotion of Corridor X, and they agreed to establish a working group that will be tasked with proposing concrete solutions (Photo FAH / STA / TS)Representatives of transport ministries from countries traversed by Rail Transport Corridor 10 discussed at a conference in Brdo Pri Kranju, Slovenia, on Wednesday the railway infrastructure, its management and the promotion of Corridor 10, agreeing to set up a task force propose concrete solutions.

The conference was attended by transport ministers and transport ministry officials from Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey. Croatian Transport Minister BOZIDAR KALMETA said Croatia was very much interested in the revitalisation and promotion of Corridor 10.

The initiative to increase competitiveness and transport speed, notably of cargo transport, along that corridor is in line with a similar initiative launched by Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia which in 2010 established a joint company, Cargo 10, in order to promote Corridor 10. This initiative is already giving results because cargo transport time has been reduced, said Kalmeta.Brdo kod Kranja, February 2 2011. - Minister Kalmeta at the conference stressed that Croatia has already invested heavily in the development of the railway network and will continue with further investments in the Corridor X, and added that in this project has the support of Croatia and the European Commission trough the ISPA and IPA founds (Photo FAH / STA / TS)

Croatia has done a lot in terms of investment in its railway network and will continue to invest in the rail infrastructure along Corridor 10, Kalmeta said, adding that the country enjoyed the European Commission's support in this.

The EU has been co-financing, through its programmes ISPA and IPA, the overhauling of the Vinkovci-Tovarnik and Okucani-Novska railway sections, and this year a tender will be published for the overhauling of the Dugo Selo-Novska railway, an investment worth EUR 100 million, Kalmeta said.

Slovenian Transport Minister Patrick Vlacic said participants in today's conference agreed to set up a task force to promote cooperation in three areas.

Brdo kod Kranja, February 2 2011. - Patrick Vlačič, Slovenian Minister of the Transport said that the Conference participants agreed on the establishment of a joint working group with the aim of cooperation in three key areas as the basis for the realization of this project (photo FaH / STA / TS)The first area is about joining together the already existing plans in the field of rail infrastructure of the countries through which Corridor 10 passes, given the technical details specific to those plans and their interoperability. The second area is the management of the rail infrastructure to remove as much as possible administrative and customs barriers slowing down transport along the corridor, and the third area is the promotion of Corridor 10 to increase cargo transport along that route as much as possible.

Removing customs and administrative obstacles to cargo transport would make Corridor 10 more competitive in relation to Corridor 4 whose current advantage is that transport along it proceeds almost entirely through countries that are inside the European Union, which is why there are no delays caused by customs and other border procedures, said Vlacic.

