Burnt Turkish ship towed into Trieste shipyard

Photo /arhiva/2008/080209-und1w.jpg

The Turkish freight ship "Und Adriyatik" was towed into the shipyard of the northern Italian Adriatic city of Trieste on Wednesday morning, two weeks after it caught fire in Croatian territorial waters, the captain of the Pula port authority, Josip Lazarić, told Hina.

The vessel left Croatian waters around 0600 hours after the Italian maritime authorities granted it permission on Tuesday evening to enter the Trieste harbor.

The 193-metre-long ship was en route from Istanbul to Trieste when it caught fire 13 miles west of the northern Croatian Adriatic resort of Rovinj early on the morning of 6 February. All nine passengers and 22 crew members were rescued by a passing Greek ship and taken to Venice. The fire on the ship was put out on 9 February. The vessel was transporting about 200 trucks and 11 tonnes of hazardous material.

The towing of the ship began on Sunday and the ship was originally expected in Trieste on Monday.

