British Airplane - Unexpected Landing in Dubrovnik Caused by Cracked Windshield

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A British Airways Airbus 320 carrying 1480 passengers and eight crew members had to make an unexpected landing on the Dubrovnik Airport ‘Čilipe’ due to its cracked windshield.

The spokeswoman of the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Marina Halužan stated for the Croatian Press Agency ‘Hina’ that the Croatian Air Control informed the Dubrovnik Airport around 15.30 p.m. regarding the problems the Airbus 320 was experiencing during its flight.
The mentioned plane landed in Čilipe around 16.10 p.m. and according to Halužan the passengers were in no danger.

The British airplane started its journey from the Greece airport 'Heraklion' on the Island of Kreta and the planned destination was ‘Getwick’ Airport in London.

Unofficial sources confirmed that the crew registered the problems with the windshield in the captain’s cabin during their flight above Albania which made them decide to make a landing on the Dubrovnik Airport.

All the passengers were placed in the International Lounge of the Dubrovnik Airport, where they will remain waiting for a new plane.

The spokeswoman of the Ministry could not confirm what might have caused the cracking of the windshield.

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