Air Traffic: Matter of Data Security still Unresolved

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The European Union and the United States have failed to reach an agreement on the trans-Atlantic passenger data security issue by September 30, which was set as a deadline.

Still, the EC pointed out that both sides agreed to continue with the negotiations in a constructive atmosphere in order to finally reach a common goal.

Several air companies confirmed that they would go on operating according to current regulations, i.e. turn over information about each passenger flying from Europe to the U.S. (name, address, credit card details and other), if so requested.

From a theoretical point of view, if no legal deal is reached on data transfer in a country, passengers will have the possibility, based on a prior agreement, to file a claim against the respective airline in case of disclosing their data. 

The EU's top court in May ruled that the deal negotiated in 2004 was illegal, saying it was not using the right legal basis under EU law. It did not rule on the deal's content. An EU court has allowed the data to keep flowing until Sept. 30 to give officials time to negotiate a new deal.

EU and U.S. diplomats will discuss this question on an up upcoming meeting set up for the 5 & 6 October in Luxembourg.

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